[Oct 19 11:15] .
├── [Oct 19 11:15] doc
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] categories.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] enumerate.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] faktor.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] fancythm.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] groupthm.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] hypersetup.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] incfig.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] math.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] mathalias.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] mathfig.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] mathfixes.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] mathfont.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] mathop.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] mathsymb.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] refproof.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] symbindex.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] thmstyle.pdf
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:15] todo.pdf
│ └── [Oct 19 11:15] vocab.pdf
├── [Oct 19 11:15] index.html
├── [Oct 19 11:15] latex-packages-doc.zip
├── [Oct 19 11:15] latex-packages.zip
└── [Oct 19 11:01] packages
├── [Oct 19 11:01] build_info.json
├── [Oct 19 11:00] environments
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] fancythm
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] fancythm.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] groupthm
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] groupthm.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] refproof
│ │ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-refproof.sty
│ │ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] translator-proof-dictionary-English.dict
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] translator-proof-dictionary-German.dict
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] thmstyle
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] thmstyle.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] exercises
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] sheet
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-sheet.cls
├── [Oct 19 11:00] indexing
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] symbindex
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-symbindex.sty
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] vocab
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-vocab.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] lecture-notes
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] lectures
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-lectures.sty
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] script
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-script.cls
├── [Oct 19 11:00] math
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] categories
│ │ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-categories.sty
│ │ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] translator-mathematical-categories-dictionary-English.dict
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] translator-mathematical-categories-dictionary-German.dict
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] faktor
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-faktor.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] mathalias
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-mathalias.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] mathfig
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-mathfig.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] mathfixes
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-mathfixes.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] mathfont
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-mathfont.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] mathop
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-mathop.sty
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mathsymb
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-mathsymb.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] quiver
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-quiver.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] utils
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] counters
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-counters.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] findpackage
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-findpackage.sty
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] powerset
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-powerset.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] wip
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] bibliography
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-bibliography.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] cache
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-cache.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] code
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-code.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] exsheet
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-exsheet.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] figures
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-figures.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] gag
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-gag.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] lang-input
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-lang-input.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] removed
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-removed.sty
│ ├── [Oct 19 11:00] restate
│ │ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-restate.sty
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] subproof
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-subproof.sty
└── [Oct 19 11:00] wrappers
├── [Oct 19 11:00] enumerate
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-enumerate.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] hypersetup
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-hypersetup.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] incfig
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-incfig.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] math
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-math.sty
├── [Oct 19 11:00] todo
│ └── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-todo.sty
└── [Oct 19 11:00] unicodechar
└── [Oct 19 11:00] mkessler-unicodechar.sty
48 directories, 64 files
tree v2.1.1 © 1996 - 2023 by Steve Baker and Thomas Moore
HTML output hacked and copyleft © 1998 by Francesc Rocher
JSON output hacked and copyleft © 2014 by Florian Sesser
Charsets / OS/2 support © 2001 by Kyosuke Tokoro